Jim and Ellen Gardner

Co-owners, farm operators and parents to Esther, Jim and Ellen are passionate about regenerative agriculture and helping people experience food and farming in new ways. Both graduated from the University of MN in 2018. Jim handles more of the day to day work with animals and machines while Ellen handles the management, sales and marketing.



Resident Grandma and chicken mom, Julie helps in so many ways, picking eggs, feeding chickens, pulling weeds, helping to keep the farm beautiful and (most importantly) babysitting and spoiling Esther.


The newest addition to our farm family, Esther arrived in October 2020 and is still in training as a Gardner Family Farm employee. She is looking forward to her role as small chicken terrorizer and “helpful” weed puller.



A total charmer, Peeve is our eager farm greeter. He is always on hand when customers arrive to make them feel welcome. All petting and snuggling is appreciated.


Hei Hei

Originally from a confinement egg laying operation, Hei Hei isn’t the brightest chicken on the farm but she is super friendly. She is very curious, often following customers around to see what they are up to.



A stellar brown egg layer, Karen is a beautiful Amberlink hen who enjoys letting us know if the food or accommodations are up to par. Karen is a valued member of the team, ensuring that quality is always a priority.



Dorothy is a California Grey hen who lays beautiful white eggs. Curious and fast, she easily stays out of reach of anyone trying to cuddle her. She enjoys digging in the garden for worms and insects.